Dec 31, 2008
Happy New Year!
As a kick off to this whole concept of actually keeping the blog up-to-date I decided we needed a new background and header. Thanx to help from Pocket and Cutest Blogs and my hubby buying me Adobe Elements 7 - I created, uploaded, etc. all the stuff I needed to create this. As noted at the bottom of the Blog the credit for the products used to make all this goes to GABhappyscrap using their 'Tickled' collection (way cute)!
Watch I might actually try to SCRAPBOOK (digitally, of course)!
Dec 25, 2008
How Blessed I Am!
I was struck how blessed I am to have a family with 3 beautiful/handsome, smart, healthy kids. A husband who provides so well for our family and makes personal sacrifices (6 months alone in AK) - who loves me no matter how much of a toot I am sometimes. I'm grateful for a family - extended - who stays in touch, has fun together, and likes each other.
I am blessed to live in a free land, a PROMISED land. I am so grateful for those that will fight for that opportunity in other lands, putting their own life on the line for others. I am blessed to be related to such individuals, not only in this generation, but in previous generations.
I am blessed to believe in Jesus Christ. I am blessed to know of His love for me - for EVERYONE! I am blessed to work with AMAZING women both in church and in other areas of my life. I am blessed to have a love of the scriptures and the true doctrines they teach. I'm grateful that a loving Heavenly Father has blessed me with the capacity to understand, apply, and teach.
In general, this Christmas like so many before, I realize I AM BLESSED. I bet others feel that way in their lives. As the Hymn states, "Count your many blessings name them one by one...and it will surprise you what the Lord has done!"
P.S. When Coby came downstairs after putting the kids in bed and found me blogging he was shocked - I guess that means it has been too long. Hopefully this next year I will get much better! :)
Dec 21, 2008
It's Officially Official
Dec 13, 2008
It's the final countdown
Nov 22, 2008
Just when you thought it couldn't get worse
Nov 8, 2008
Codi's visit to Alaska
We went down to Seward which is on the ocean side of the Kenai Pennisula. This guy was a total camera hog. He saw me coming with the camera and was posing the whole time. I wish I could have gotten some better pictures.
We also had the chance to see the world premiere of Echos at the Anchorage Symphony. It was really cool with the story of the whaling adventures from the East Coast, Alaska and Hawaii. It included natives in the performance.
Oct 19, 2008
Snow Sweet Snow
These are my friends DJ and Michael that I go with on these hikes in the wilderness of Alaska.

If you look close you can see moose, I wasn't brave or dumb enough to get close enough to see their nose hair. Right now the bull moose are in rut and so they are very aggressive. You can see people getting much closer than I trying to get pictures. I think I was far enough to see them well enough knocking heads trying to see who will get the herd of cows.
Sep 26, 2008
High on a Mountain Top...
Today I went on my first official that required more than following a wide trail and no climbing. Last week's experience of my hike inspired me to do it more and more. I went with one of my OSU Fire Protection Alum friends and his wife...also OSU alum. We started the day off around noon heading to the trailhead, an absolutely beautiful day in Anchorage...haven't had a clear and wonderful day in quite a while. We headed up the trail of Flattop Mountain...2.5 mile hike to the top and about 1500 feet of elevation change. I should have taken pictures on the way up...sorry guys hind sight is 20/20. We made it to the top in about 1.5 legs and feet are sore. We had to climb up the side of the mountain the last 300 or so feet of elevation. We started seeing snow as we approached the top and once up there we in the snow, roughly 2 - 3 inches or more in most places on top. The trip down was kind of tricky until we got the "2nd Saddle". From there we felt like we were sprinting down the side of the mountain. Finally it back down about 2.75 hours after we started.
Here are some of the pictures that either me or Michael took while on top of the mountain.
Apparently someone thought it would be a good idea to make a snowman.
Sep 20, 2008
My Latest Alaskan Adventure
Here are a few pics from my adventure today.

Just for Chaz...this is an auto body shop that is in Anchorage. My view heading north to Houston.

Welcome to Houston, Alaska...not quite like home.

Welcome to Wasilla, the home of Sarah VP of the US

Mirror Lake and Thunderbird Falls

From the top of the falls ...................and from the bottom of the falls.
Sep 10, 2008
Track this
Check out this website...I have found it is better than most sites and weathermen.
Above the Arctic Circle

Me in my Arctic Survival Gear. I don't have to wear this yet, but soon enough when I come back up here I will have to.
Sep 6, 2008
Summer Vacation - In the Beginning...
My counsin Donny with his daughter Kate, flanked by Aedan & Gavin
We've been home almost 2 weeks, but it so often seems that a vacation after the vacation is truly needed! Here's the scoop:
Monday, Aug. 11 - the kids and I left about 6am to head up to Oklahoma to pick up Grandma for our trip out west. They were great! We left early because I wanted to get on the road to get to grandma's house earlier in the afternoon so they kids might get some energy out before our 18 hour drive the next day to Las Vegas!
Tuesday, Aug. 12 - got on the road early again. Not as early as Monday, but still in good time. Mom & I braced ourselves for a very long day of driving. We had all four of the cigarette lighter type plug-ins full. One for the converter for Aedan's Cyber Pocket, another for Chaz's DS Lite, the two up front were very connected - one for the iPod converter (a tuner for the iPod to play thru the radio - my van is just a couple years too old to have the direct connect), and the other with a splitter - on plug-in for the GPS and the other for the kids movies in the back (yes - they played almost the whole way and even when they were playing their games). We were packed with snax, pillows & blankets, and the necessary electronics in the main area, fully packed in the trunk, and a car topper strapped on top. The drive went rather well with just a couple of stops for gas, potty, & food. After covering MANY miles we arrived in Vegas to stay with my Aunt Bonna, Uncle Stewart, & cousins. Man, the air was dry and I was LOVING it! I miss the west coast!!
The best part about traveling west is the time change is in our favor - we arrived about 10pm Vegas time (midnight CST).
Wednesday, Aug. 13 - Sometime during the trip to Vegas from Ok Chaz started to cry - his ear was hurting him (in hind site mom and think it was when we went over the Sandia Mountains into Albuquerque - the first real elevation change). He had been complaining before the trip, but because we had been going to the pool so much I thought it was swimmers ear. I had the drops and gave him Tylenol and we continued to drive. By the end of the trip on Tuesday he was in pain and so I called my aunt in Vegas and asked about a good Dr. She suggested a walk-in clinic down the road and so on Wed. morning Chaz and I went to get his ear checked out. It wasn't too bad of a wait for a walk-in - about an hour. When we finally saw the Dr. she looked in his ear and there was so much fluid she couldn't see the ear drum. She determined that it was probably a burst ear drum and prescribed antibiotics. We filled the prescription ASAP and after a stop at a HUGE Jo-Ann's Etc we were back to pick up my mom and the other kids and get on the road again - this time for a short 7 hour trip!
We made it to Fallon, NV in good time and began a 3 day 4 nite stay with my aunt's family in Fallon (about an hour outside of Reno to the East - the relatively new home to Top Gun).
Thursday, Aug. 14 - Loved being with Aunt Shawna, Uncle Grant - their kids and Mojo (the dog). The kids and I enjoyed the first day of the week NOT in the van! Mom, Shawna, & I went on a bike ride after breakfast. I loved the cool morning temps - something I don't get in the summer in Texas! We played, rested, relaxed and enjoyed being with family we hadn't seen in TOO LONG!
Friday, Aug. 15 - More relaxing and playing. Shawna, Grant and I headed to Reno for a Costco run and met Grandma Christiansen, Great Aunt Gwyn, Mom (she drove up to Reno Thurs. morning), Dad (flew into Reno earlier on Friday), Bonna & Stewart (drove up to Reno Wed) at Claim Jumpers (YUM!). My cousins stayed in Fallon and watched my kids so it could be an adult dinner (yeah!!).
Saturday, Aug. 16 - Laundry! I needed to get our laundry done so that we would have enough clothes to last us thru Tahoe and the trip home! Shawna was so great to feed us, give us a comfy place to sleep and let us use all the other amenities! We packed up what we had brought in and got ready to leave early on Sunday morning to head to Reno to go to church and then prepare for the mass exodus to Tahoe (finally!). That evening my brother Cyle & cousin Shayla flew in to Reno from SLC and the Skouson cousins drove up from Vegas! Fun to reunite with EVERYONE! We stayed up WAY TOO LATE with an awesome Fireworks display by Josh and Millie (cousins) and yummy ice cream! The off to bed.
Sunday, Aug. 17 - Got up early-thirty to head to Reno. Shawna and Grant were having Stake Conference and I wasn't prepared for 2 hours with my kids (only brought a small church activity bag) and they didn't know who the visiting authority was going to be - so I chose to drive up to Grandma's ward to attend church with the rest of the family. Ironically, once we all arrived to Tahoe and talked about church earlier that day the visiting authority was Elder Pickard - my old stake president from Katy! His family had recently moved to Phoenix and he was in Fallon on church business! It would have been so fun to see him again - would have surprised him I'm sure! Oh well, loved church in Reno, had some pretty good revelation from one of the Sacrament talks!
After church we went back to Grandma's started the great load-up, ate a delicious breakfast provided by Bon and Stew and were outta there! We were all so excited to finally start the "official" family reunion at Lake Tahoe - something that had been planned for, thought about, & traveled too for about a year!
The Skouson and Moulton kids (missing Quinn) with a couple extras - enjoying the yummy ice cream after the fireworks!
Lt to Rt Front- Sharah M. (head down), Josh M. (green shirt), Aedan (tounge out), Kate (1/2 in picture) Back - Shayla M., Millie S., Mikayla S., Jacob M., Marissa S., Shalese M.
Aug 16, 2008
Alaska - Majestic

Heading South towards Indian Point

Still heading towards Indian Point
This is heading North towards Palmer...they used to pan for gold in the area pretty heavily.
While I was there I also have a chance to go to a Musk Ox farm and to go by the Anchorage, AK Temple. Little known fact about the Musk Ox...they don't produce an odor and they are not an ox...they are actually part of the goat family and only have two stomachs and not four like the bovine family.
The Musk Ox farm just North of Palmer...these guys were pretty cool. Their under fur or tuft is used to produce Keiviet which is softer than cashmere and much more expensive, but it is so warm.
The Temple is much more beautiful than these picture give it credit. The Stake center next to it is still under construction...people have either tried to burn it down or destroy it while in the construction phase. However, they have done nothing to hurt the Temple.
More to come once I am in Alaska at the end of the month for my assignment.