Sep 20, 2008

My Latest Alaskan Adventure

Today I took a drive and a hike...I drove all the way to Houston, what a ride. On the way though I stopped in Wasilla...home to the next VP. On the way back from my roadie I saw a sign for a couple of places I had been wanting to go...Mirror Lake and Thunderbird Falls. T-bird falls was quite a hike...1000 vertical feet in a very short amount of time...some may think nothing of it, but it was quite the climb. It was a very beautiful area and an amazing view. Walking through the forest it reminded me somewhat of the forests in North Central Missouri where I grew up.

Here are a few pics from my adventure today.

Just for Chaz...this is an auto body shop that is in Anchorage. My view heading north to Houston.

Welcome to Houston, Alaska...not quite like home.

Welcome to Wasilla, the home of Sarah VP of the US

Mirror Lake and Thunderbird Falls

From the top of the falls ...................and from the bottom of the falls.

1 comment:

xoxo --c. said...

Oh -- I thot the photos you sent last nite were cool -- it's even more fun on your blog with the explanations. Ha! and i thot Chaz's place was a nite club -- not quite! What a beautiful beautiful mysterious and huge place. So glad you're getting out and taking advantage of your down time. LOVE Mirror Lake -- unbelievable. Love, mom