Feb 4, 2008


Last year Codi and I decided it was time for a change in our lives and we were tired of feeling "fat". So we took on the challenge in April/May to do something about it. We joined the YMCA and have not looked back ever since. Those first few weeks were very difficult in terms of the whole body pain, but once we got through all that it was go time. Over these 9 or so months Codi has lost over 20 pounds and several inches. Myself the weight doesn't seem to be going away but the inches are. Codi has to remind me that muscle weighs more than fat and I totally agree and knew this from my Army days. Codi tends to do more of the toning type work where as I do more of the strength training.

We made a goal last year to lose the weight and feel better about ourselves and not have to increase the size of our wardrobe. So far that has happened...but we haven't bought any new cloths unless it is for the gym. We are waiting until we need to because the cloths don't wear/hang right.

There are nights that one of us isn't feeling the motivation to go, and that is where we pick each other up. I have a friend at work who is also a motivator for me, and he is helping me with the different workouts I do, and I am benefiting from it.

All in all we are still doing well and keeping each other motivated. This only shows that dedication does pay off. It will be fun to see how we look and feel in May when we celebrate not only our 10 year wedding anniversary, but our 1 year YMCA anniversary.

Make tomorrow better than today

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