May 7, 2012

We all RUN? for Ice Cream!

     Coby has been so diligent in posting I felt like a slacker and decided I better get in on the action.  I don't have much new to add, but I do want to catch you up on the Blue Bell Fun Run A. and I participated in the middle of April.  The boys had football games that day and A. and I were heading to Killeen to attend Athena's baby shower so it was a perfect plan!
{For those of you not from this part of the World/States, Blue Bell is a YUMMY ice cream brand found in the south and made (among other places) about a 1 hour drive northwest from Katy.  They sponsor the Fun Run every year to support the local high school sports program.}
     Our good friends the Shurtz family do this every year and I had planned to participate last year, but my brother and his new bride had their wedding shower in Lawton that weekend so it was a bust. 
This year I wasn't going to be deterred!
     Along with the biggest loser competition I started training using the Couch to 5K program.  I loved to run as a younger person, but after years of child rearing and "real life" I had let this love slip.  This was the year!
     I trained from February until the day before the race.  I had lots of motivation...watching Audra compete and make it to the podium at IronMan Galveston was awesome!  Although I don't believe I will ever be to that level, it feels great to go out for a 2-3 mile run and not give in to the cramps and shortness of breath after a 1/2 mile!
     Well, April 14th was the big day.  Our family had gone up to Brenham the day before to tour the Blue Bell Factory (yum!) and pick up race packets.  EARLY Saturday morning A. and I woke up and rendezvoused at the Shurtz home for our caravan to Brenham.  We made it in great time, parked and started to enjoy the festivities!  I was feeling a little sick (nerves and a funky digestive system are NOT a good combo!), but with the music and the anticipation of a good run and, of course, the FREE ICE CREAM BARS - I was ready. 
     A. and her friends were the first to run - a 1 mile kids run started at 8.  She did great and had a blast!  After her run she started off with the frozen treats - enjoying a Bullet first.  After all the kids got back from their run the adults headed up the hill to the Starting Line!  The Shurtz family was joined by a few siblings and their families so it was fun event!
      At 8:45 the horn blew for the 5k to begin.  It was PACKED.  People everywhere.  I stared to run with Jen and her daughter L., but with all the people (and the fact she was pushing a jogging stroller) I soon had to just find my way.  There were people walking, jogging, and running.  I started at a comfy pace, but wanted to get away from the crowd so I soon made it around to a nice pocket and set into my comfy run.  I was doing best time...UNTIL - the hills started.  In Katy we have NO hills.  My runs no matter where I go are all flat.  Brenham is getting into the Texas "hill country" towards Austin and they have hills!  I was doing ok still, relying on Pandora - Erasure channel to keep me moving.  But then as we entered more of a rural part of the course my internet connection went down and the hills increased.  I pushed myself through dreaming of the ice cream I would be eating soon, until I came to the last 1/2 mile.  I turned the last right hand corner and there it was...a MONSTER hill!  My heart sank as I was already wearing down.  I ran until about a 1/8 of a mile before the hill...speed walked and once the hill began I picked up my pace to a jog and slowly made my way up (some speed walkers passed me).  Once I reached the top it was all downhill from there...literally...into the high school parking lot and to the finish line.  The members of the Shurtz family that didn't run or had already finished cheered me on as I ran down the hill and A. joined me for the last 1/8 mile.
     VICTORY...I had finished my first race!  I caught my breath, climbed back up to the Shurtz cheering camp to cheer on the rest of our group and then we made our way to the ICE CREAM!  I was NOT disappointed.  Ice cream bars of all varieties!  I started easy...a fruit bar, but soon hit my stride and made up for every calorie (plus more) I had burned on the run.  WHAT FUN! Next year the whole family plans to attend and Jen has told me she thinks we should run the 10k together...we will have to see about that. :)
Ready for the race!
The whole crew ready for the run!

A. & E. - best friends and racers!

Feeling good!
Mom and A. before after the Kids run before the 5k.

May 4, 2012


Over the past several weeks I have been hearing people talk about motivation and inspiration.  We had a meeting at work where our group's outgoing manager asked us..."What motivates you?"  So it got me to thinking about what motivates/inspires me.

After much thought on this I came to the conclusion of being able to make a difference.  Whether it be through my profession and helping people understand the importance of making safety a personal thing.  Spiritually by doing more than the basic primary answers but showing a genuine concern for others and helping them through their trials of life.  Physically by making a difference in my own life and motivating others to do the same.

Because of the change in lifestyle that Codi and I have taken on and doing our best to be more physically fit we have heard several people tell us we are an inspiration to them.  To me this helps keep me motivated in doing so.  Codi helps keep me inspired to not quit and settle for what I have currently achieved, but to keep going.  My sister-in-law Audra helps keep me motivated by her encouraging words and suggestions to help me become a more fit person. Others offering kind words of encouragement.

Last Friday I went in for my yearly physical and my doctor looked at my chart and exclaimed "You get me excited!!!"  Then she proceeded to give me a high five.  My first thoughts were that isn't something you say to a half naked man sitting in front of you but in the context of the situation it was definitely appropriate.  I had taken a step in the right direction to get to a healthier me and she was very stoked about it.  Codi and I joke about it and laugh, but recently her endocrinologist said something similar to her...she was fully dressed however.

To date Codi and I have lost a combined total of 50 lbs and we are almost at 90 days into this transformation.  Life gives us opportunities all the time and it is how we seize those opportunities is how we make a difference.  Take the time to think about what motivates/inspires you and seize that thought and do something with it and you will be amazed at what a difference you can make.

Good Luck to Audra on Saturday who is running the Saint George IronMan (140.6 miles)...that takes motivation.