Codi is doing the couch to 5k program and I am doing a calorie counting and cardio program I feel like I have made some good progress so far. One of the things I have also done is cut out all soda diet or otherwise. At times this can be difficult but I know it is for my own good. Codi and I have made a commitment to each other to do this and I have done it for myself as well. In my family heart problems and high cholesterol are a big leads to another. I don't want to be on meds when I get old to control it. I want to be healthy again. We also have a goal for our summer vacation this year at Lake Tahoe. I believe we can make it.
I have near term goals and long term ones. End goals is to lose about 50ish pounds...near term is to lose 10 pounds at a time and feel like I have accomplished something and can improve upon it. I just can't wait to say I am the biggest loser.
Wish us luck and staying power.